
Domain Sales Report December 2021

The Biggest Winners of December 2021

DomainLore brought the action again, with several high quality, premium one-wonders. Like all sales, it’s sometimes a mystery why they do so well at auction. In this case + its .uk counterpart sold for £3,312, though at the time of writing, the sale is still pending completion with Max Karp still owning the rights on WHOIS.

Courtesy of Nominet WHOIS auctioned by Max Karp, sold for £3000 and looks to be completed, with the domain name now sitting on NAMECHEAP. Possibly an end user sale? It currently redirects to a default landing page., a really premium religious term was caught and auctioned on UKBackorder and sold for £1761, whilst sold on Sedo for £1750. Another sale by Max Karp, + .uk counterpart sell for £1500 on DomainLore, but the sale does not complete according to DomainLore. Though checking the WHOIS, the domains appear to have been moved from Max on the 30th December to IDS-BS. It could be that DomainLore have automatically marked the sale as not complete after 14 days, as the auction completed 20 days earlier on the 10th December. Bit fishy, but it is what it is. They now sit on, so appear to have been an industry buy.

Best Mid-Range Mentions sold for £1322 and closed the same day with a tag change to Lee Stenning on DOF. A popular auction, with 30 bids and 5 interested parties. As I mentioned earlier, sometimes it isn’t clear why domain auctions do so well and in this case, I couldn’t understand the value. A good sale nonetheless.

Someone unwrapped when they caught it on Christmas Day 🎁 and it sold later in the week for £1050. The sale is still yet to complete. registered and sat on GHANDI since 2009, dropped into DomainLore on and sold on the 20th for £671. A bargain buy and one to keep hold of and develop, for sure.

The pick of LLL’s

It was a good month for availability of LLL domain names on both prominent extensions, though we found the prices of LLL sales this month weren’t that great and some real bargains were to be had, likely because of the saturation. The gifts started with topping the sales at a measly £760. Another Max Karp domain which doesn’t appear to have been completed. Perhaps he’s on holiday 😄. & caught and auctioned by UKBackorder for £466 & £458 respectively. One of our own domain names, sold and completed for a poor £245. We were expecting this particular domain name to reach £700+, but perhaps auctioned it at the wrong time as the market was exceptionally saturated with LLL domain names this month.

Extension Popularity

We found to be the most popular extension at auction this month. There was a £2590 difference between the highest priced .CO.UK only auction ( and the highest priced .UK auction (

Brightwork Auctions

We racked up £758 in completed auction sales this month with our best sale being (£333) and the worst being£70).

Come back next month for another roundup of domain sales and Happy New Year 2022!